I Wanna Read Your Stuff
The only thing I love as much as (and, tbh, sometimes more than) writing is working with other writers.
I want to read your writing and cheer you on.
What I Do
I’m happy to work with you at any stage of your writing, in nearly any capacity. Here are just a few of the services I’d love to collaborate on:
Line editing (including reading for style, consistency, readability, continuity, etc.)
Copyediting, proofreading, and final polishes
Giving feedback (on manuscripts, essays, poems, short stories, articles, etc.)
Beta reading
Consulting on building an online presence outside of social media
Brainstorming sessions
My Background
My expertise is in personal essays/memoir, academic writing, craft essays, and hybrid genres, but my background has equipped me to work with any kind of writing. I worked in my university’s writing center–first as a consultant, then as a graduate assistant–for several years, studying writers, the writing process, and theories around tutoring writing. I’ve taught first-year writing and upper-division creative nonfiction. My thesis for my MA in rhetoric and composition focused on self-disclosure in the personal essay, which I wrote about and created a course around. I’ve edited, critiqued, and studied so many different kinds of writing and writers over the years. I love it all.
Professionally, I worked in content marketing for a decade, during which I developed strategies for businesses, created and optimized online content, managed writers, and copyedited my ass off. Though content for the web and creative writing seem like different worlds, both have informed each other in my approach to working with writers.
I’m also a writer myself. I primarily write creative nonfiction and poetry, though I will occasionally dabble in fiction. I’ve written academic articles, book reviews, and copy for individuals and businesses. I’ll be graduating with an MFA in creative nonfiction this December.
So, yeah. I’ve got some experience. But more importantly, I believe in the power of writing and I want to support other writers in any way I can. I’m excited to be part of the process of other people’s writing because, let’s face it–no one can do this alone.
Let’s Talk Money
I aim to be fair and flexible in charging for any project I’m working on, but I’m also trying to stay alive in a capitalistic hellscape. I’ll work with you to determine a pricing structure that works within your budget and my time and effort. Note on equity pricing: BIPOC, trans, and disabled writers always pay less.
In the interest of striving to be anticapitalistic, I’m open to payment in kind or trades–please don’t offer me “exposure,” though; beyond that, I’m happy to hear your ideas about how we can share our skills and resources.